Amita Chatterji Poet/Writer, Events & Project Co-ordinator
Photos above and some below by Gina Chrysanthou featuring Amita Chatterji participating in various events & projects covered by Pukka PR promoting London.
Please read Articles written by Amita & Gina on Pukka PR's 'Articles/Events' page

Above: Amita and her daughter Gina made their debut live TV appearance as guests on The Chrissy B Show on Sky TV 25/09/13
Pukkapoets established 2000
Delighted to introduce Gina's mother Amita Chatterji maiden & pen name, Mrs A Chrysanthou official name who is an enthusiastic published poet/writer freelance project co-ordinator and founder/director of Pukkapoets.
She's organised numerous projects and is a remarkable, creative self-trained poet/artist, her objective is to raise the profile of poetry by fusing poetry with the performing arts and connecting people via her writing on diverse subjects.
She has participated in countless events at interesting London venues having founded Coffee & Couplets at the V&A in '98 and, has completed exciting poetry/literature collections and been a winner at Farrago Slam Festivals. Seeking new initiatives she has recently been engaged in various projects creating group activities such as Curry & Couplets, Paint and Play, Chance to Dance for Age Concern and holds an extensive Resume of Poetic Endeavours and Work CV having been involved with several work and voluntary establishments and family owned business.
Quote from Amita's Resume of Poetic Endeavours: Amita Chatterji - Born in New Delhi, daughter of Maya & Major S.A. Chatterji (father deceased). I've lived in London since 1954. Am an artistic poet, my interest in Drama and Poetry stemmed from school days when the renowned actress Fay Compton tutored us in association with the Poetry Society then in Earls Court London SW5. I've explored creative writing over several years and have composed and compiled collections of poetry, micro fiction and true-life mini tales. My poems have been published in: - Animal Cavalcade, Anchor books, Riverside Review, Manifold, Madame Tussaud Newsletter, Scottish Tourist Board Website, STILL magazine, X Magazine, Pravasi Times. Newspapers: - Asian Times, Asian Age, Age Concern Fifty Plus, Confluence. Short stories floated by the Telegraph's Toowrite website. Invited as a guest poet to read my poems on Parkside Hospital Radio & Clappy Hour Dance Attic Studio.
I've supported several poetry institutions, participated in poetry events affiliated to community education and enjoy co-ordinating projects to raise the profile of poetry and poets. Have read my poems at Riverside Studios' Poetic Licence, the Poetry Café, the Abbey Centre (Phoenix Poets), the Victoria & Albert Museum, the Natural history Museum. Was invited to read at LWC and SWWJ workshops, at Return of the Tiger a STILL celebration of Haiku, Roti Writers the Brompton Library, Raj & Pablo's Talkback at Cobden Club, Westbourne Green Pk. Family Fun Day, Barnes One World Link Barnes Green Social Centre, 54 The Gallery. Have also read at Piccadilly Poets' events, the Actors' Centre, RADA, FARRAGO, Kensington Library, Terrible Beauty/Coffee-House Poetry events at the Troubadour, Bousfield School, Bedford Pk. Festival, the Nehru Centre, Age Concern Hammersmith/Fulham & Hounslow, St. Pauls Church Hounslow, The Bhavan, Spanish Artists in London, Paul Robeson Theatre.
Photos below taken at the inauguration of 'Life Love Landscape Paintings in Miniature,' exhibition Curator being Anita Kapur at M.P Birla Millennium Art Gallery Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan on 15 and 17 November 07 when also on both days a Pukkapoets Poetry Reading was presented by Poet Amita Chatterji.

Anita Kapur, Dr Radha Krisknan, Monika Kapil Mohta Minister (Culture) & Director of Nehru Centre, Dr M.N Nandakumara Director of Bhavan.

Dr R Krishnan, Amita Chatterji, Anita Kapur.

Davin Benning, Gina, Amita and Martin Young.

Davin Benning, Gina, Amita and Anita Kapur.

Amita Chatterji

Gina, Arun, Anuradha, Minni, Kamal, Anita, Vijay.
Photos below: Pukkapoets Poetry & Dance Presentation at The Nehru Centre, London W1
Amita Chatterji with guests
Kailash Puri, Amita Chatterji, Hetel Gokal, Sunita Enawalla & Gina Chrysanthou.

Kailash Puri and Amita Chatterji.
A flavour of Amita's work below including short stories and Poems - please read:
Short stories & Micro Fiction Titles (some true stories):
Loudest Laugh, Toy Box, Can We Play I Spy, Birthday Girl & Queen of A Century, MINI SAGA, Visits to Clinics A Question of Balance Weighed On My Mind - An Answer to Which We'd Eventually Find, Relatives from Ireland..., Only a Cloudy Lesson, I Must Have It, ANCIENT GREEKS & Co., Excerpt from Raj Breed And A Phantom Freed, For Those Who've Left The Sterling City..., A New Offensive.
Like a Great White Coconut Confection, EASTER VIBES, Maker of Monarchy, Spanish Omelette, Autumn Glory, Mornings - Coffee or Prefer a Cup of Tea, Beauty Is, CONTENT, THE PRINCESS ROYAL, INNER CITY AID?, WALL STREET CRASH, Nelson's Column, Haiku - Memoir of Past Chelsea Flower Shows, Nearly Christmas, , HALLOWE'EN, Serving up a Taste of Summer-Haiku, Dates in the Desert, DIMSUM, First Reading, Poetry Cafe, Lance Bridges the Gap, OH HENRY! For Only Sixpence, MONEY, Wine! The Intoxicating Liquor, Chocoholic Frolic, You're an Inside Out Person, Precious Earth Part 1 & 2, Rani Victoria's Indian Summer, Angel on Dream Duty, Mesmerising...Simply Mesmerising...Heaven's Confection! RED HOT, Waxing Lyrical, Sport's Day1989, An Adult Fairytale, FOREVER FRESH, Exodus, MELA, T.N.C, BULLIES, A Frolic of Vowels, BOLLY WOULD, Primal Screams and Daring Dreams, RESTORATION, Usmaan aur Zameen (heaven and earth) and Family in Between, A Love of London.
Furthermore invite readers to view the Articles/Events page & Archives to read a wide range of exciting articles written by Amita Chatterji and her daughter Gina Chrysanthou accompanied by superb photos mostly taken by Amita and Gina.
True Story - 1960'S
A thunderous roar drew us to the lion's enclosure at London Zoo where I stood admiring a quadruped, Magnificent mass of muscle and mane Pacing up and down behind bars.
Just as I exclaimed - "What a beautiful beast!" The lion stopped right in front of us displaying his rump. Most intrigued, we all moved closer to the cage staring When suddenly the lion lifted his tail and sprayed us - With WEE! People scattered everywhere and I got The lion's share - my hair and coat completely drenched.
Everyone roared with laughter but the lion had the Loudest laugh ‘cause his timing was purrfect! We all Wondered whether it was a trained trick and where The hidden cameras were.
Beast with brains - the lion is not called king of the Jungle for nothing. I left the Zoo stunned, amused and Reeking of a special specimen!
By Amita Chatterji © Published on Telegraph's Toowrite website.
TOY BOX ... ...
I'd gone into my son's room as I normally did to tidy up and started collecting the clutter from the floor. Part of his model train set with tracks and carriages was perman - ently displayed on the carpet so I didn't disturb that.
Scattered items of clothing I folded and stored away in his chest of drawers. Only the smaller toys remained; his favourite collection of cars, action man kit, marbles and a football, and as usual I would put them all into a large toy box under the bed.
I went down on my knees and stooped to pull the box out from under the bed, when in the darkness I saw thick grey fur and a pair of big glistening eyes glaring at me. I was surprised because I didn't recognise this particular cuddly toy peering over the toy box.
I sat on the floor perplexed and looked again under the bed and there they were, two huge eyes transfixed on me and they almost appeared to be real. I stared back and as I did, I thought I saw a movement in the box and was now beginning to feel uncomfortable but put it down to my imagination.
Contorted on the floor, I was staring at the creature under the bed for what seemed like several minutes - our eyes were locked on each other.
Then I thought to myself - this is really weird, why should I be perturbed. How bizarre, an adult being watched by a cuddly toy under the bed!
I decided to pull the box out and get a closer look and as I tugged at the heavy box, out JUMPED a monstrous rabbit the size of a calf and trampled me - the cuddly toy had come ALIVE!
I fell back on the floor and let out a deafening scream and was shocked by the creature bounding over me. Likewise, I expect the creature too was in a state of shock. I quickly regained composure and ran out of the room.
Having closed the door firmly behind me, I laughed with relief. It had been like a magician's hat trick - a colossal rabbit (hare) unexpectedly appearing from nowhere. A Jack-in-the-box, only this was a real rabbit in the box!
I awaited Alexis's return and when he came home from school, It was my turn to glare at him. He immediately guessed some- thing was amiss, ‘What's wrong? What's wrong mum?' he asked with a broad grin on his face.
‘Did you know there's a CREATURE living under your bed?' I asked smiling. I then went into rapid explanation and related in detail the earlier comical scene and my tussle with a rare rabbit!
Alexis burst out laughing uncontrollably and couldn't stop chuckling all night long. But his new chum eventually had to go as there simply wasn't enough room.
By Amita Chatterji © Published on The Telegraph's Toowrite website.
CAN WE PLAY I SPY? True story
‘So what did you do at school today?' The affectionate mother asked her golden-haired young son who was sporting a smart school blazer as they hopped on the bus. ‘Some sums, spelling, reading.' ‘What else ?' enquired ma. ‘We had school dinners and er...played. Played games in the playground. Mum, can we play er... I spy?' ‘Oh, alright then' agreed the mother.
The boy not having mastered the alphabet yet, began --- ‘I spy with my little eye something beginning with Se.' ‘Give up, what is it?' asked his mother. ‘SEAT!' yelled the boy and continued. ‘I spy with my little eye something beginning with Be.' ‘Don't know, what is it?' ma asked. ‘BABY! Look, there's a BABY!' He bellowed and carried on ‘I spy with my little eye something beginning with Fe.' ‘Okay, I give up, what is it?' ma asked again. ‘FART! FART! Fe for fart! Fe for fart! The baby farted!' He shouted collapsing in fit of laughter. Whereupon, ma's face now matched the colour of her son's blazer - a bright red, while other passengers couldn't help chuckling too which en- couraged the boy all the more ‘Fe for fart! Fe for fart!' he persisted; there was no stopping him. More laughter, more giggles as the bus approached a bus-stop.
‘Come on quickly! Come on, we have to get off here,' said the highly embarrassed mother and they hurriedly made their exit with the boy laughing hysterically still yelling - ‘Fe for fart! Fe for fart!
By Amita Chatterji © Published on The Telegraph's Toowrite Website
Ma'am, When you were born there were few telephones or cars only trains and no aeroplanes. The last century progressed so frighteningly fast - man reached the moon via the stars and now, he's about to make his way to Mars!
It took you a long time to reach a 100, only an entire century - MANY CONGRATULATIONS! But it was worth the wait, as a centenarian you were fervently feted, toasted and even received a card from Lilliput! (Lilibet)
Then, the carriage ride fit for a Queen with your grandson The Prince of Wales. Not the average centenarian's mode of transport, but in an open carriage spruced with gold and blue blooms (your racing colours) and pulled by four handsome, piebald greys - Albany, Twilight, Hillsborough and Auckland.
You radiated happiness as bells pealed jubilantly heralding your arrival on a perfect summer's day.
On your approach to Buckingham Palace and the ‘wedding cake' the 41 guns' salute continued to thunder in Green Park.
A multitude of enthusiastic supporters swarmed the Mall and people vied for space in front of the Palace gates to get a better view of you.
Joyous fans came to show their respect and were finally rewarded.
The rapturous roar of revellers chanting ‘Happy Birthday Ma'am' with deafening applause greeted you as you stepped out onto the Balcony smiling and waving graciously - you played the ‘balcony scene' beautifully.
Yourself, majestically flanked by your daughters, The Queen, Princess Margaret and a galaxy of royalty representing a thousand years of monarchy.
The atmosphere filled with the merry mood of a charmed crowd captured by T.V. cameras and cheerful commentary.
Ma'am, you never fail to enchant and are the epitome of royal continuity. You are the majestic reflection of a dynamic and tempestuous century - long may you continue to excel.
H.M. Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Clarence House London W1
29 July 2000
"Beauty is a form of Genius - is higher indeed, than Genius, as it needs no explanation" Oscar Wilde.
Now you have attained that rare distinction of being a priceless and genuine Victorian work of live art!
The majestic patina of your mellow beauty and serenity glows gently into the 21st century -
CONGRATULATIONS!!! And All Good Wishes On Your 100th Birthday.
© By Amita Chatterji written Aug 2000 - used my official name Mrs A Chrysanthou when I sent Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother this memoir & B'day greetings - responses below.

Apollo metamorphosing into a dolphin Swims to Hindustan to seek the captured Romila, handing control of Delphi to The Giant Dwarf.
In Delhi Apollo struggled against all odds To rescue Romila which he finally did with The power of his sonar poems and jubilantly Returned to his domain with her.
By Amita Chatterji © published by Anchor Books in Mini-Fiction
Visits to Clinics- A Question of Balance Weighed On My Mind - An Answer to Which We'd Eventually Find
Just as I thought I'd reached that even keel Turmoil, thrown off balance a bit dizzy I'd feel; They tried the Hallpike Manoeuvre that didn't work After which I felt a bit of a burke. I was made to walk in a straight line With eyes closed but that was all fine. 'Maybe Benign Positional Virtigo' medics told me Following that they said 'that can't be...' Neurological tests were then carried out Clinical investigations to remove all doubt; Ear tests hot & cold water piped into my ear Eyes all - a- flicker the water heater I'd hear. Various tests needed were all nearly done After hours in the Clinic I wanted to run - They wanted to whirl me on a wheel upside down And shake me around like a circus clown; I didn't go for it, my stomach was upset I would have thrown up that was a sure bet. Instead I ran to the ‘Ladies' for a quick pee As earlier I'd been drinking hot cups of tea. What my ailment was they couldn't quite tell And on balance they thought I was quite well NHS a great help all medics were quite swell.
From our very first steps tentative and shaky Mother calling out 'come on, wakey wakey!' We learn to find our balance walk and talk While mother watches over us like a hawk. Our lives being a constant balancing act, Good versus bad often opposites attract.
There's no day without night nor hot without cold, Can't have weak without strong, the brave and bold. Population is balanced by famine floods and wars, Good v evil, truth v lie defying principles and laws. For a good balance a healthy lifestyle maintain With noise, pollution at times difficult to sustain.
In the constellation of stars Libra the Scales Trying to balance bees with big blue whales. What helps maintain our balance lies within the ear Could there be tiny stones in the fluid of cochlea? A lack of good balance might surprise us all When tiny stones in inner ear could make us fall.
We can create perfect balance to please ourselves Reaching for plumb perfection making perfect elves. Nature is never perfect nor is spoken English So let's forget balance and talk a little gibberish!
© By Amita Chatterji 2010
Relatives from Ireland & The Sweet Mischievous Midnight Goblins True story
My daughter Gina and I went to visit my mother & family in Surrey during the very warm and sunny spell we were fortunate to have in the beginning of July this year. We'd gone to see Aadil my cheerful nephew who'd come over from Ireland on a short holiday with his charming wife Nicola and their two sprightly daughters Mia 5 and Lulu 2 who were all staying with my mother.
It was lovely seeing Aadil and his family again and in a shady corner of the garden we all enjoyed a late leisurely al fresco lunch as the weather was perfect while the girls Mia & Lulu played with gifts Gina & I had brought them - they tested out their magnetic fishing-line fishing for plastic toy fish in a large bowl of water, engrossed in this both girls had much fun. Mia then opened up the skipping ropes pack and demonstrated her skipping skills, first on one leg then on both and backwards too! She then clowned around and decided to ‘fold up' her ears and rolled her eyes upwards so that only the whites of her eyes were visible looking very scary... All this while little Lulu had grabbed the garden hosepipe directing it at her bum then attracted our attention by yelling in a soft Irish accent "Look, look! I'm washing me bom! I'm washing me bom!" We had quite a laugh at the children's entertaining antics.
Late afternoon G & I suggested we all go to Runnymede pleasure park and grounds as the children would love the swings and ice cream and so they did and so did we adults I'm glad to say, a lovely way to spend the day. All was pleasant and peaceful as we sat chatting under the cool shade of trees with Aadil enjoying a quiet moment puffing his cigar when all hell broke loose and Lulu turned into a little pugnacious bantam and had quite a tantrum. A sudden outburst, Lulu rolled with rage on the grass of the pleasure grounds like some Damien's seed screaming in a frenzy no supernanny could control or console leave alone Nicola who did her best to pacify her little daughter. Being on holiday, hyperactive and out of her comfort zone Lulu was obviously tired out but once in the car and when we'd all returned to the house she'd calmed down after snatching a few minutes sleep.
Back in the garden under an evening sky we all sat, snacked and chilled with a glass of wine after which Nicola took the girls indoors and upstairs to bed. She returned smiling thinking that all was well and joined us in the garden where we continued to banter close to midnight. It was dark except for the outside lights illuminating the garden and candles flickering on the table where we sat when we noticed two fairy-like figures appear huddled together in the doorway to the garden. Mia and Lulu the night fairies wrapped in fluffy blanket cautiously approached the garden table where we were seated and told their parents they couldn't sleep (perhaps being over excited) and what followed next was so surreal:
Mia unfurled herself and started to play ‘statues' contorting her face, rolling her eyes and making us laugh the other side of midnight; she then turned into a robot and performed some robotic moves pulling funny faces, clowning around and repeating Greek words Gina had taught her earlier. Mia reminded me of Gina when she was that age. Hearing the Greek words started Aadil off and he and Gina then did a take on ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding' mimicking characters in the film and turning events into a late, late pantomime.
By this time Lulu had broken away from Nicola's lap and a never-been-seen-before performance ensued - Lulu started somersaulting impishly and incessantly in all directions on the lawn like a pint sized clown or bouncy ball bouncing round and round, up and down, she was no sneaky ‘Tasmanian devil' rather an over active cute child with boundless energy. We laughed so much it was hilarious and we were spellbound watching the sweet mischievous midnight goblins and their japes. It was quite a spectacle Mia and Lulu frolicking like fairies and goblins in the dark, they could easily have leapt out of a fairytale book in fact we'd been treated to our very own Midsummer Night's Dream!
Finally the sisters were put to bed and it was in the early hours of the morning when Gina and I left returning home to London with fond and happy memories of an extraordinary summer's day in the country.
By Amita Chatterji © July ‘09
Kings Road Chelsea Anecdotes:
At a Chelsea Worlds End bus-stop a charming child squealed something like - ‘Mummy, look at those clouds up there!' ‘No, darling, those are not clouds, that's sooty smoke! That's what's called pollution!' Was the mother's sharp retort.
I swivelled round on my heels and observed two gigantic Chimneys (from an electrical plant) belching big black clouds of thick smoke that hung menacingly over rooftops.
I smiled as the articulate mother further expounded that smoke (better known as carbon) was often created by humans and was the result of people in industry burn - ing up rubbish which was channelled away via chimneys into the atmosphere.
The little girl looked skywards again and her eyes lit up - ‘Look there! Those are real clouds aren't they mummy?' She asked.
The bemused mother gazed at a formation of cirrus clouds floating in a pale blue sky and exclaimed - ‘Yes! Those are natural crystal clouds.'
Phew, only a cloudy lesson, not the world's end!
By Amita Chatterji © from her natural history collection
While queuing at Chelsea World's End Post Office, I heard a young man at a counter pleading politely with a woman clerk - ‘Please! It's up to YOU to give it to me. I must have it! I really must have it!' ‘No, it's not up to ME to give it to you, I can't let you have it - if it was up to me, I'd give it to you but I simply don't have the authority.'
The dialogue continued for a while in this manner as the queue grew longer and the people in it were more intrigued by the man's request. The pleading man was obviously in some difficulty and got more agitated arguing even louder.
Just as I was leaving, the man by now utterly humiliated and down on one knee waving his hands in the air and in a final act of desperation, screamed in his loudest voice - ‘PLEASE! My life's on the line! What d'you want? My blood?' he asked. Everyone naturally followed the drama and could only stare at him pitifully.
I couldn't quite make out what the man was wanting but I do hope the Post Office eventually showed some compassion and threw him a life-line as the man's plea appeared to be genuine.
By Amita Chatterji © the post office is no longer there
ANCIENT GREEKS & Co. (an exhibition) At The British Museum
Time travel - Mummified 2000 years ago, the ancients return to greet us with their ancient features and huge haunting eyes gazing at us from gilded tomb portraits and elaborate mysterious masks.
Women with elegant coiffures piled high, tumbling in a cluster of curls and bedecked with precious jewels. Their soma draped in fine folds created from lengths of the finest fabrics - almost like saris. Their feet shod in strappy leather sandals decorated with gilded lion motifs.
And Cleopatra permanently poised in a hail of hieroglyphics awaiting her Mark Antony amidst ancient amphoras filled with sweet-scented oils and a plethora of ciphers on caskets and gems concealing secrets of a lost civilization.
Men nobly clad in linen tunics with dark purple stripes trimming their outer wear clavi garments and, roundels with linked octagonals ebellishing one shoulder signifying birth and status.
These ancients were the refined and elite melange of Greek, Egyptian and Roman aristocracy with signs of other influences. Embalmed in ancient alchemy, these hermetic Mummies were sealed forever to instruct and people a Third millennium.
By Amita Chatterji ©
Sam rode High Jinks his magnificent chestnut stallion at a gallop along the bustling Grand Trunk Road, that legendary link carrying an assortment of traffic from Meerut to Delhi.
He had just avoided colliding into another loyal beast of burden, an elephant "a billowing angel" conveying gesturing passengers. Unexpectedly the elephant had decided to rest its bulk broadside across the road but Sam steered High Jinks away just in time.
Apart from the usual mode, transport could be anything from tongas, rickshaws, purdah palanquins, camels or mules with back packs. Hastening to return home Sam didn't want to encounter any further obstacle on the busy road dotted on either side with shops, tea rooms, offices and bungalows. Quite often he'd see one of many revered, ubiquitous cows garlanded with marigolds chewing flowers from someone's garden and wandering wherever it wished. By complete contrast, he'd pass a pair of blinkered zebus, draught animals being led away to toil hard on soil.
Sometimes when he rode parallel to the railroad he'd see a heaving train go by with passengers clinging to all sides. The Empire had traced a railway system networking right across the Subcontinent. Tracks and metal train parts were often constructed from British steel and trains would run on the impetus of Welsh coal.
But now Sam dreamed of acquiring horsepower in the form of the latest Austin Ten, Wolsley Twelve, Morris Ten Series ‘M' with excellent ‘finish' or the swanky, sleek Chevvy saloon.
The debonair Captain dapper in full regimental uniform having ridden past the last parade of shops, caught sight of a golden orb dip behind a mound of trees in the distant blazing horizon. He smiled as a milky ring of cirrus clouds appeared in an amber sky reminding him of the fresh white orange blossom bridal wreath that had crowned his stunning young Sita, Gioconda, at their most romantic nuptial union.
A gentleman of Bengali ancestry Captain Samuel Amal Chatterji of the Royal Indian Army Service Corps was adequately built, of average height and sported an Errol Flynn moustache. A mass of raven black, sleeked-back hair revealed charismatic looks and a charming smile. He was a keen and clever tactician and most promising young officer. He was assigned to the duty of training military personnel at the significant Meerut Army Base Camp and was responsible for all trainee personnel. He also had the overall responsibility for the Garrison's transport training, encouraging new recruits to drive heavy-duty three ton lorries in army convoys.
In the current political climate of 1943 heavy fighting and skirmishes prevailed along both Eastern and Western Fronts involving Commonwealth countries in war campaigns where thousands of Indian troops had been deployed.
Sam was extremely excited about his present posting but was a little concerned for his lovely young bride who had been distanced for the first time from her parents and friends...
By Amita Chatterji © Part true part fictional story reflecting early stage of my parents married life in Meerut - most principal characters are real including the ghost!
A brief recollection of life in London where most areas are recognised by famous landmarks, usually the local Pub and West Kensington is no exception with its sprinkling of traditional public houses. The most renowned being The Three Kings noted for its attractive arched façade near the West Cromwell, North End Road junction which was recently subjected to radical change where once real ale and spirits were served to weary travellers and jolly revellers.
Further along North End Road on either side of the parade a plethora of fascinating names - Gogglebox, Double 6, Drugstore, Fat Fanny, Headbangers, Harvest, Man Friday, Barclays and at the next corner The Fox, Rat and Carrot for serious boozers housing The Orange, a venue for hip-hop gigs and all sounds strange and new. Beyond which at yet another corner for the parched traveller lies the magical Pickled Newt where Beatrice Potter might have been inspired to create her neat study of newts - today they can be viewed at the V&A.
The functional library is close at hand for the avid reader to dally in the sunken gardens of Gwendwr Road on a sunny day smelling sweet-scented roses Omar Khayyam might have admired. And, only a jog or march away past Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance on Hammersmith Road - Olympia! For the discerning collector or browser, exhibitions held there throughout the year.
Perhaps a warm welcome to worship and a diverse cultural mix - peaceful prayer on pews at St. Mary's polite conversation that usually varies; an academy at the Bhavan's Nehru Centre people learning, listening to their mentor.
West Kensington has its own coterie of itinerant vagabonds, sometimes with can in hand they pass the day sitting, drinking quietly or perhaps contemplating - the future. While traffic flows endlessly along the two main roads where the air appears to be somewhat heavy with pollution, here squeegee people make an effort to clean windscreens bringing a smile to some new or old automobile.
However, it's reassuring to see the same friendly, familiar faces of locals in the neighbourhood always pleasant and Ready to help -
Amenity - Community This region of West Kensington in the Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham has spawned numerous well-stocked food stores, public services, a post office, clubs, cafes, chemists, bakeries, book shop, charity shops and of course pubs. A pavilion of social services, surgeries, heaving estates, historical schools, modern colleges and the humble newspaper stand at the entrance of West Ken. Station, all protected by the local Constabulary and served by the other essential Emergency Services.
Circa 1990, a cultural revolution has occurred in the area - a motley mix of many a race from pale to exotic face - A learning zone and vital new dimension of London life at the Riverside Studios, theatres and galleries, show-casing Art and literature, reflecting the diverse colourful cultures and lively languages from around the globe.
At the Fulham end of North End Road, the bustling Market flourishes with traders who struggle to satisfy customer needs, engrossed in the daily travails of setting up stalls decorated with delectable fruit & veg from foreign lands to tempt the confused and delighted customer. Confused, because the fortunate customer is spoilt for choice and delighted, because the merchandise is affordable.
And you left all this to live in Spain! Different climes, different times and only a short plane trip away but then I'm sure all things Spanish are beautiful too. Que tengas suerte! And good wishes To all of you.
By Amita Chatterji © Published on Telegraph's Toowrite website. Names of some establishments have changed since I first drafted this piece
A New Offensive
Surreal scenes singed our memories like a compelling Fleming thriller, only in this true-life horrific drama Bond failed to appear and never saved the day.
People asked, where were the Intelligence Services' network to prevent what occurred on 11 September '01 when Manhattan's W.T.C. Twin towers were simply blasted away and thousands perished or lay dying under a mountain of smouldering rubble. Many lives had been shattered instantly in a new dimension of terror.
We were all emotionally enmeshed after seeing footage of two hijacked planes plunge into the twin towers exploding on impact, causing the solid structures to crumble like wafer biscuits - Was this real or something out of today's video games culture. It was unbelievable for those who watched helplessly.
Televisions world-wide screened the incredible and terrible scenes repeatedly day after day, revealing stories of individuals who had so tragically been extinguished in the catastrophe. Newsflashes, bulletins, disputes and debates eclipsed all else. Newspaper coverage with special pull-outs and explicit pictures retold the horror and the traumatic experiences of many victims engulfed in the tragedy that sent shock waves around the globe.
The Earth's natural landscapes evolve organically, sleeping volcanoes erupt occasionally but it seems man's festering fury is sometimes so self-destructive, it obliterates innocent lives and reshapes acres and acres of land, in this case leaving behind towering steely skeletons which were once symbols of American prosperity.
What frightful images for all of us to recall when looking back at the fragile inception of this new century. Where were the augurs, prophets of today and yesterday with their predictions and prophecies.
None knew of the coming disaster. None could foretell but the news was reported with alarming alacrity and compassion and from all angles and aspects by the media.
World leaders naturally reeled with rage...but a raging rapid response was very wisely tempered with caution as, an eye for an eye threat would not break any crisis cycle but might even have triggered a further re-action as at present, the culprits behind the crime are at large.
Reason? Could it be emancipation, call to freedom via a new offensive to reason and justice. War/peace, chaos/order, strife/love follow each other and,
Cause? For this abhorrent act against humanity and the annihilation of innocent citizens - unintelligible.
United Nations and peace-keeping forces have to be realistic. Seek out the real perpetrators and bring them to justice based on facts and hard evidence.
Have to remain civilised, rise above barbaric acts and carry out investigations and military manoeuvres without civilian casualties.
Have to resolve the situation by means of mediation and, above all have to get to the root of the problem...
Have to address wanton discord with constant dialogue and even be prepared to compromise then perhaps, accord could be within reach.
Never say never - while our leaders coalesce and collaborate working around the clock to bring the criminals in question to justice, it is in the interest of all civilians that world peace be maintained and the situation not escalate into yet another war.
As the necropolis where the twin towers once stood slowly transmogrifies into a garden of remembrance or facility, people will go on wondering - why - but perhaps, the answers lie in the voice of the people.
The world watches and waits for a conclusion as this ongoing conflict and tale of terror continues to be ... a mystery to us all.
By Amita Chatterji © (written on 30/9/01) Story chosen and published on www. Toowrite by the Telegraph's ‘True Stories from Real People'
Quote: President B Obama 2011 "Justice has been done"
Like a Great White Coconut Confection She sits wigged, shimmering across The river, thick dark chocolate Beams trickling down her sides And framing her windows -
The Globe, resurrected from an Elizabethan Rose will mature with Ongoing plays like her splitting Green oak structure now rooted To new roots and history.
A celebration of life! Shakespeare's Tempestuous players playing between Heaven and hell on earth supported By Herecule's parodied pillars Of conscience. Here, "As You Like It" And as in the golden age, thespians, Poets stage factual, fictional carnal or Comical carnivals, realising a Wanamaker dream at last.
By Amita Chatterji © Written 10 April 1997 and read on stage at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, St Georges Day April 04
American Pie on the Fourth of July
Savouring victory: Congratulations had come raining down And Alan Mills was always around
The Umpire had descended from his high chair Now the ball girls n boys were in the public glare And thunderous applause electrified the air.
Engaged in a long euphoric kiss during his lap of Honour on Centre Court, the Victor's lips were Pressed against the coveted antique trophy. Sampras, refreshed in victory was absorbing the Nectar of sweet success especially as it had been An all American twin win with the Ladies' Singles Title being scooped up by the delighted Davenport. It was a grand slam mega wham! The gilded trophies having been presented by the Duke And Duchess of Kent to the jubilant, hungry champions At Wimbledon.
The Finals: Following the utterance of ‘PLAY' The finalists were well on their way An accurate service with tremendous pace Each competitor wanted to win the race
Lobby, a wild smash, straight into the net An overhead pass perhaps a better bet
A champion always hangs in there Digging his heels in the face of a dare
Listen to the tock, tock, of violent volleys Until the spectators resort to brollies!
Perfect placing or wrong footing Energy into strokes they'd be putting
Power play, brutal returns, savage serves, Grass-scorching shots jangling one's nerves
Diagonal ground strokes in a long rally Difficult for competitors to stay pally
Play reaches fever pitch, crowds roar As they see the players' final score
Oohing n aahing during a duel in the sun Cruel for the one who hasn't won.
Anyone for tennis?
© By Amita Chatterji 1999
Poem sent to Honor Godfrey Curator of All England Tennis Club Museum
The humble painted egg a symbol of life and liberty Takes us back to the radiant light of one ancient vernal dawn - When, on the first day of the week, the fine grey gauze of the Morning mist had lifted; When linen garments dappled with the dry crust of precious Blood lay within a cold sepulchre of a Jerusalem garden.
For there in the dark and in stark contrast, stood an angel Glowing like a blue moon, proclaiming the Resurrection of the One they called Messiah -
He, who continued to mystify by performing minor miracles After being resurrected, like a mythical Greek god with ichor Coursing through veins, he walked again amongst people and Talked to his disciples reassuring and instructing them.
Christ's humility, wisdom and nobility, his tenderness and Compassion for people gave him the stature of true majesty. He was indeed a king (of a spiritual nature) only to be Rejected and rebuffed by the scribes and Pharisees who Could not comprehend his profound spiritual discipline.
Thus, he was cruelly condemned by the Sanhedrin court and The power of imperial Rome; Embroiled in an abyss of agony and betrayal.
Nothing has changed reformers are forsaken. It would have been easier for Iesous to woo stars encircling The heavens in some distant galaxy than to win the hearts And minds of mankind; But today, Christ pervades the minds of many via his Disciples' four Gospels as, enlightenment is acquired via the ‘Four Truths.'
In the first season of every year We see an abundance of flora appear Flowers burst through buds and bloom Clearing winter's decay and gloom Fluffy chicks break through thin egg shells On the miracle of rebirth the mind dwells.
A time when nature recalls itself and the pagan goddess Eostre fills a spring cornucopia with delights and delicacies.
The season that sees Christians feasting in honour of Christ's Resurrection and exchanging gifts...those chocolate eggs and Easter bunnies we all so love!
The Easter festival reminds people of Christ's struggle, his Endurance of pain and suffering through which today hope Is renewed for a better and more harmonious future for all.
And in his footsteps, in retrospect, was Gandhi the Great Soul And liberator, a reincarnation of Christ -
Was Christ a reincarnation of the Buddha who with his Earlier doctrine of spiritualism relinquished his temporal Kingdom, dared to differ and diverted from the mainstream.
In the last century we also had Martin Luther King another Formidable reformer and leader striving for civil rights and,
Is the Spartan man Mandela now the modern day redeemer
Good old traditions and ideas last, tipping the scales on the Side of history's visionaries and saviours of the past, some Good role models for our multi-religious world of today.
By Amita Chatterji © Published by CONFLUENCE Poem one of four winners at the FARRAGO Easter Slam Festival April 03 - the Poetry Place
Maker of Monarchy
A BBC broadcast emanating from an art deco wireless in the 20th century proclaimed the young Princess Elizabeth had become Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the demise of her father George VI. Thus began her journey through her 50 year reign.
June 2002, the Sovereign now an icon of respectability, steadfastness, and stability, weaves her magic and emerges stoic and quietly confident to celebrate her Golden Jubilee.
Leaving behind a trail of gold dust from Land's End to John O'Groats, the Sovereign met her subjects who came to greet her displaying warmth and affection.
The Monarch's popularity remains undiminished and most have the utmost respect for her dignified and disciplined manner.
But in private, the Joker likes to unwind in jovial mood over a celebratory cocktail of gin, champers, parfait armour and of course Philip! Her 24 carat Phi, Beta, Kappa (or guide and philosophy to life) who keeps her amused.
Historic concerts in the Sovereign's own back garden rocked the Monarchy to its very foundations during the celebrations by mega pop stars belting out the message "All you need is love..."
If only...
And the evening sky turned into a canvas of colour with an extravaganza of fireworks bathing the Palace in a zillion stars.
The Mall quaked with the excitement of visitors and well-wishers waving flags in a sea of jubilation on the day of the service of thanksgiving at St. Paul's Cathedral.
The Sovereign, like Cinderella was ferried in the ostentatious gold state coach embellished with gilded palm trees, cherubs supporting a crown and chimeras with Neptune's presence all symbolising victory and triumph over the enemy.
Accompanied by her yeomen in a blaze of red and gold, the Sovereign arrived to the sound of fantastic fanfares at Temple Bar for the Pearl Sword ceremony conducted by the Lord Mayor during which there was much doffing of hats as dignitaries paid their compliments.
The Mayor's Mace and Pearl Sword being powerful symbols of the City's independence and the Mayor's power over his own domain in the Golden Square Mile where he greeted The Golden Girl.
What pomp and pageantry!
The Jubilee festivities culminating in a spectacular carnival capturing the Capital's rich and diverse community and capturing our hearts, for we too were there.
In this vibrant flood of humanity Some masqueraded as wild beasts - Lions, tigers and giants paced the Mall for the very first time.
The cultural explosion and splendid splash of vivid colour created a masterpiece on a grand scale bringing joy to all who were there.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Was the universal chant as Concorde took to the air accompanied by the Red Arrows leaving a trail of red and blue smoke in the skies to the delight of onlookers, ending the golden celebrations in true majestic mode. Long may she reign God save the Queen!
By Amita Chatterji ©..memoir of the Jubilee celebrations sent to Her Majesty The Queen with response from her office below:

The warmth of summer reluctantly passes "To Autumn!" We then raise our glasses. We wrap up well in outdoor places As cool breezes brush our faces.
Misty mornings bathed in fleeting dew The sun in the wings awaits its cue; Leaves flutter away from the trees Heaped in mounds on the heath one sees.
Naked brown branches exposed to the air Robbed of green and far from fair; Russet competes with the yellow of corn Jaundiced leaves spangle an emerald lawn.
A rich harvest of grain the soil offers When the autumnal equinox occurs; Scrumptious Spartan apples blush ‘n' ripen Their flavour and sweetness soon heighten.
Cattle leisurely graze on grass blades On pasture land where green seldom fades; Inflorescence of the Autumn Glory spreads By the echo of violet - blue one treads.
Blazing cascades of crimson leaves fall - The True Virginia Creeper rampant on wall; The countryside burnished in copper tones The sun's gilded rays reactivate tired bones.
Days become shorter and a little colder Nights grow longer and a little bolder; We warm ourselves with steaming soup As Autumn leaps through the seasonal hoop!
Amita Chatterji © published by The Asian Age
Mornings - Coffee or Prefer a Cup of Tea
Drink deep from dawn's Milky dew and rejoice, For you're alive and well With many a choice:
What will you wear If it's sunny and bright Or the morn turns dull And scarce of light.
What do you eat at Your first meal of the day Full English Breakfast, Cereal, fruit or hey...
Do you drink coffee or Prefer a cup of tea, Perhaps you like a lemon drink With a spoon of honey.
Do you exercise, do yoga, Take a walk or jog Or, do you sit at the computer Composing a blog.
Are you bright and perky When going to work or Do you sit around sleepily Feeling like a jerk.
And, while you contemplate choices The morning simply slips away.
By Amita Chatterji Written on 22 June '11 especially for The Bedford Park Festival event ‘Some Beautiful Morning; Poetry of Daybreak' hosted by Poets Anne-Marie Fyfe & Cahal Dallat. Read first draft.
TORTILLA ESPA ÑOLA Buenas tardes! Sen~oras y sen~ores Estáis bien? Hoy estamos contentos - si Porque hoy Habra una fiesta de poesía Ahora, un poema...
Me encanta la paella y la Tortilla Espan~ola! El drama de la gran Tortilla Espan~ola Es como una aventura sentimental - Como el drama y la grandeza del Cid.
Me encanta la musica Espan~ola alegre, También la obra, la comedia y la zarzuela. Me encanta el cuadro flamenco y La danza rápida! Me encanta el cante jondo también el payaso y Los trovadores del mundo.
Por ultimo, Me fascina la poesía del poeta magnifico Federico Garcia Lorca... Como una exhalación profunda Granada siempre Granada.
© By Amita Chatterji written Sept. ‘10 especially for the homage to Lorca event "Muerto de Amor -Multilingual Poetry Performance" organised by SAL Spanish Artists in London on 01/10/10 at the London Bhavan. Poem inspired by the colourful rich variety of Spanish culture and food, how well it all blends like a tasty Spanish Omelette! Close translation of my poem Tortilla Espanola below:
SPANISH OMELETTE Good evening! Ladies and gentleman Are you well? We feel happy today, yes Because there will be a poetry party today And now for a poem -
I love paella and the Spanish Omelette! The drama of the great Spanish Omelette Is like a love affair... Like the drama and greatness of El Cid.
I love cheerful Spanish music, Also the play, comedy and the Spanish Popular musical. I love the Spanish folklore Show and rapid flamenco dancing! I love the Andalusian folk songs also the clown and all the poetic minstrels of the world.
Finally, Poetry of the magnificent poet Federico Garcia Lorca fascinates me Like a deep exhalation/catharsis... Granada always Granada.
© By Amita Chatterji Written Sept. ‘10
BEAUTY IS mounds of luscious strawberries, Purple lilies in a pale pink palace; Floating, hovering, evergreen cities, Amethyst wine in a golden chalice.
Beauty is the heart of land and sea, Finding secret gardens, a lotus pond Exploring space ... the raging skies, Gazing at stars and the world beyond.
Beauty is in people, places, friends, Children's antics and happy faces; A kingdom of animals, fantastic flora, A scene at Ascot, a day at the races.
Beauty is in a generous gesture, Chaotic colours and wonderful scents; Most men and women falling in love, Aesthetic buildings and chivalrous gents.
Beauty is that slumbering maiden So softly clad in flaming June, Who drifted into deep sleep perhaps Listening to a charming tune.
Beauty is immeasurable, found in whatever we do, Whatever pleases the senses, whatever pleases you.
Amita Chatterji © Published by the Asian Times
A smile is what a baby does first thing in the morn ‘Cause it can't see its mother's face after it is born, A smile is when a loved one walks through the door ‘Cause that's a person you can hardly ignore. A smile is when you're hungry and you have just had a meal ‘Cause that's how happy and content you feel. A smile is when the sun glows and you're out in the park ‘Cause the day is glorious and you're out of the dark. A smile is when you have a place to stay ‘Cause you don't have to fret at the end of the day. A smile costs nothing it's like honey to a bee It draws people closer - you and me.
© By Amita Chatterji Published by the Asian Times
Fair Anne with tresses of pale gold, Of distinctive features and language bold -
Often seen racing on the race-course, Dressed as a jockey, galloping on a horse;
Or at charity events running on a track, As joie de vivre! She does not lack;
Sharing with Mark her interest in riding While her children she wisely keeps in hiding.
The media she regards with some disdain When derisive photos they try to gain -
Two blue-blooded fingers are raised to the Press Showing them scornfully the right royal address!
Her knowledge of sport being fairly formidable, Competing in games, she is indomitable;
With boundless energy and full of fight Winning her way into the limelight.
A fine Lady, The Princess Royal, To children she's been very loyal;
She's travelled over many a land In desert heat and over sand -
The hungry child she swiftly seeks out Offering aid as they cry and shout;
Across all nations helping children to survive, From this fulfilment Her Royal Highness must derive.
© By Amita Chatterji written 1988 - used my official name Mrs A Chrysanthou when sending my poem to The Princess Royal - just a jolly poem portraying the Princess who is now married to Commander Tim Lawrence - response below.

Inner City Aid, a trust fund much needed Two years ago was founded and seeded;
Its present chairman now very troubled, With insufficient funds his problems doubled;
Threat of closure hangs over his head, Upset, his heart maybe heavy as lead.
Much money required for a worthy cause, Housing the homeless is now on ‘pause.'
Destitute in the streets young & old roam Some, with no comfort of a happy home.
A great pity if this charity was disbanded, Only if more funds to the charity were handed.
The patron Prince to City Aid is committed, Defeat, as yet has not been admitted.
A ‘deus ex machina' might descend in time, To see Housing reappear again from the grime.
© By Amita Chatterji written Jan 1989 - used my official name Mrs A Chrysanthou when writing to The Prince of Wales patron of Inner City Aid re above charity - response below.

Brokers rolled their eyes to heaven In nineteen eighty-seven when The world saw ‘Wall Street' crash Markets faced a frenzied backlash.
Shares worldwide came tumbling down
Making bewildered dealers frown;
The Dow Jones index dramatically fell
Sliding shares, people raced to sell.
PANIC broke out in almost every city,
LITTLE was left in the poor kitty.
Billions lost with economies bony -
Running deficits causing cacophony...
New York, Chicago were program trading,
Buying bonds alert investors were evading.
Frazzled computers furiously overheating
Bravely taking an electronic beating!
Pundits predicted death of the bull,
Now which way will the market pull?
Investors fear facing a big bear,
Their forelocks they tug and tear;
If the crippling crisis still continues
Blood will curdle and tighten sinews.
Thus a lesson for the wheeler-dealer
Is, perhaps put out a tentative feeler!
© By Amita Chatterji written 1989 - used my official name Mrs A Chrysanthou when I sent my poem to Chris Tarrant- response below: "a brilliant masterpiece but..."

Nelson's Column
You stand on a column up so high Reaching out against the sky Your gaze extends across Whitehall Was that your next port-of-call? Please turn around and look at me Say hello then return to sea.
Here I am in Trafalgar Square Always something going on there; Even the Taj Mahal has been seen Chess games, festivals and heroes keen. We're now in the twenty-first century Your ship's arrived in a bottle you'll see! Amazing, though it may sound Ship's on the Fourth Plinth off the ground. Events and stories history will tell Timeless you stand, you never really fell. © By Amita Chatterji
Haiku - Memoir of Past Chelsea Flower Shows
Great energy flows Through design or tree Chelsea Flower Show enchants me...
Heat wave of hot hues And the dizzying perfume of Fabulous flowers
Lunar-like landscapes Gardens in sunshine or shade Magical creations
Serene, mood set Around haughty trees, twists ‘n turns All vying for gold
Mass of different greens Colour contrast and fragrance Shape mobile oasis
Cool aquamarine pools Reflect horticultural Bliss and excellence
Fun, fancy gardens Artistic, holistic gardens Pleasure gardens
Garden of Eden Gardens galore and folklore Then, gardens no more
At Chelsea you'll see Buzzing round noisily The tireless busy bee
Symphony of scents Butterflies, dragonflies and Bees have a field day
Snivels, itchy eyes A touch of hay fever with A sneeze or 2 too...
Felt drops of rain looked For shelter and a hot drink To bide away time
© By Amita Chatterji
It's Hallowe'en! I feel so mean Be sure tonight I'll spit my spleen!
In the darkness of a creepy barn We listened to a sinister yarn, Spider webs dangled from thick beams Skeletons danced to children's screams! Night of eerie phantoms, ghouls, When nastiness and treachery rules; Gouged, illumined pumpkin caves Housed ghosts from grisly graves. Witches' brew of fear and fire Appeased wizards' ghoulish desire; Skulls and snakes in acid green Rattled, glowed in corner seen. Spooky skeletons did happily strut Wearing necklaces of swine gut; From outside came horrifying howls Screeching, staring were big barn owls. The weird warlock and yelling yahoo Celebrated all that is taboo; Suddenly, behind us we heard BOO! As we were covered in ghastly goo, Someone had played trick or treat And stuck us to our sticky seat!
By Amita Chatterji © Published by The Asian Age and prize-winning poem at Terrible Beauty Halloween comp at Troubadour cafe
Serving up a Taste of Summer- Haiku
Dawn spun in gold Gently spurs the sleeping City into action
Scent of midnight rose and jasmine waft indoors signalling summer's arrival
Sunrays split into Shards of gold dancing on seats As I sit watching Graceful Venus play and Enjoy sweet strawberries On a summer's day
Liberating... Peeling off layers to feel the warmth Of sunshine in city parks
Concerts in Kenwood & Pimms accompanied by a swarm Of hungry midges
Meeting, dating, mating Intoxicated through the Summer of our lives
You've gone, the children Miss you, I hope it's Summer wherever you are
An Indian summer Long, hot, sunny days Is dream come true
© By Amita Chatterji '09
Dates in the Desert
The shadowy silhouette of a long camel caravan moved laboriously along the sand dunes in the distant horizon as the setting sun spiced the sky with a fusion of glittering saffron tones.
The scorching afternoon had matured as the cool breath of the dusky desert met the approaching evening.
A group of Arab elders sat in the sleepy shade of giant ancient palms sipping tea, eating sweet dates in the desert gazing at the burdened swaying dromedary caravan.
Was it a mirage, was it real, or was it a figment of one's imagination that laden caravan the elders saw moving away slowly like a spectre in the fading shimmer of day.
Who was travelling in the grand caravan? Unravelling the mystery was the task that lay before the elders.
Perhaps it was Farazdak and friends, like minded poets engrossed in discussions and compositions of Bedouin-life poems and diwans with prophetic rhymes of things to come...
Perhaps Umar was on a journey of discovery, experimenting with light hearted love lyrics. Or, it might have been Mutannabi and company in quest of creating some romantic utopian desert paradise.
Perhaps it was a brotherhood of caliphs or, the lovely Queen of Sheba with her retinue of servants on one of her sojourns northwards - swathed in finest muslin, bejewelled in finest pearls and bemused by the prospect of meeting her King Solomon.
But travelling in the camel cavalcade could well have been the wily and beautiful Cleopatra, fleeing Rome to reunite with her paramour Mark Antony and into the pages of a Shakespearian plot!
Perhaps it was the nobleman Othello the Moor, winding his way to Venice to regale Desdemona with his spellbinding tales of travel.
Or, could it have been fearless Lawrence of Arabia heading for a date in the desert!
Maybe the caravan was taking a company of humble, passionate pilgrims journeying to ancient Makka to visit the birthplace of their beloved prophet.
Dreamily the elderly nomads still sitting under emerald palms, stared at the nearby natural reservoir mirroring exotic ferns, rushes, luscious greens and delightful desert blooms.
Beauty is found everywhere, from Everest heights to the beautiful benthos of oceans deep and, even in a perfect flower in the midst of a vast dry desert.
While nature can be merciless, it is also an ongoing revelation, an unspoken language of exquisite perfection.
It is man who creates mists of misery.
Thus, the wise elders sat in amazement absorbing the beauty of this blissfully rich oasis, this blissful desert sanctuary.
Was it a mirage, was it real, or was it a figment of one's imagination.
By Amita Chatterji ©
Lunched in London in Wardour Street We ate and ate, oh what a treat, Steamers full of delicious Dimsum We polished off quickly yum, yum! Beef dumplings married with ginger, Spare ribs we tackled with finger.
In a Jade Garden we sipped our tea For which there was no extra fee; We admired carvings on the wall And then we heard our host call, ‘More dimsum! And chestnut paste' We ate and ate the food in haste.
Chicken treasures in parcels came Steaming hot straight from the flame; Pink prawns dressed in rice flour shell Shark fin parcels with meat as well; Cheung pork and beef in dark bean sauce We stuffed ourselves course after course.
With pots of tea we had washed down A goluptious meal in China Town And, sweet morsels of fluffy bun We ate and ate, oh what fun!
By Amita Chatterji © I'd tutored (gratis) Teresa a neighbour taking her through an English course and in appreciation she invited my daughter and myself out for a Chinese meal with her family during which I was inspired and wrote above poem. Also sent poem to LBH&F Artsteam for local food festival.
What if I froze with fright As I stood and looked at you What if I misplaced my script And didn't know what to do. What if my hands shook And I started to stutter What if as I fumbled I imagined someone mutter -
What is she doing, Is she alright, She must be nervous It's her first night!
Then I'll find myself reading Fairly composed and calm, It didn't really matter And there's no real harm. I didn't skid on the carpet Or fall on my bum And I didn't drop the glass of water Apologising, looking dumb.
Thank god I've read this poem Without any hitch But how shall I end it Err ... I don't really know ...
By Amita Chatterji © Read at the Troubadour
Poetry Café
How charming is the bard's café It makes me want to yell au lait! Being in a café does excite me Drinking cappuccino does delight me And as I sit to take a sip I nearly always scald my lip -
I look around and what do I see Others are doing it just like me. Groups of people chitter chatter We're all drinking the magic matter; This rich concoction of coffee & cream Is liquid marble, a delicious dream.
By Amita Chatterji ©
Lance Bridges the Gap
We met to go on a poetry walk Lance started off with a little talk
He led us all in front of a cow We wondered what he was going to do now!
The cow a sculpture, one of many Maybe her name was Jenny or Penny
Lance then read us the poem "Leisure" And we joined in simply for pleasure.
We thus found ourselves at Burns' feet Pensive in song its rhythm and beat.
Gilbert and Sullivan next on the list Ballads, operettas we got the gist.
To Waterloo Bridge we then proceeded Lance's words we carefully heeded.
The South bank enriched with verses on stones Where people chat merrily on cell phones
A playground for artists, musicians too A live sculpture startles you with a Boo!
The giant wheel turns at The London Eye We watched in amazement with a sigh.
Finally, "Composed upon Westminster Bridge" The words wafted across and along the ridge.
By Amita Chatterji © Inspired by Lance Pierson's Poetry Walk on 3 September 02 commemorating the bi-centenary of Wordsworth's poem
His name synonymous with obesity Gluttony, just one of his sins, At a feast he'd drink and eat Not much left for his dogs n bins.
He had a voracious appetite The big man you know who, His appetite for wives and lovers Was quite voracious too!
Six, was his lucky number The determined divorcee, By marrying all his wives He rocked the monarchy.
Chop! Chop! Chop! The block was always busy, Heads rolled to and fro For treason or heresy.
He played his parlour games Until his last hour, When he expired in the arms Of pious Catherine Parr.
By Amita Chatterji © one of poems I wrote especially for poetry reading I delivered at Bousfield school workshop relating to Fulham Palace outing with pupils.
For Only Sixpence - a childhood reflection
It was a very thrilling sight Outdoors everything covered in white, It was my first glimpse of snow
My sisters and I went out to play It was a special discovery day We were coated in snow from head to toe!
Sweet childhood moments I recall Even that rather nasty fall I had in the playground at Bousfield
We'd exercise in the old school hall The boys would kick around a ball My fractured wrist eventually healed.
Our ‘school dinners' were at lunchtime Followed by spelling, English and rhyme And we'd finish school when it was dark
Outside Earls Court Station teddy-boys hung out Glossy quiffs, winkle pickers immaculately turned out Or seen preening themselves and posturing in the park
For only sixpence we'd see a double bill at the Kensington Odeon and we'd stomp in the aisles to Rock Around the Clock. What with coffee at Troubadour highlighting the day - those were hopeful, happy times imbued with enthusiasm and excitement. For the emerging imago, life in London was marvellous with All Things Bright and Beautiful.
By Amita Chatterji © Bousfield was my first school in London
A five letter word that controls most lives Some metal tokens resemble cells in beehives;
It can ruin or delight, shred or empower It's the central issue every second every hour -
It's the protagonist player on a global stage Our lifestyle depends on it when we get a wage.
Printed on paper the Bank promises to pay - It's prosperity or poverty at the end of the day.
Most of us value it especially when we haven't any This capital word as you know rhymes with honey!
By Amita Chatterji ©
‘It's prosperity and policy at the end of the day' is another version of the above line
Wine! The Intoxicating Liquor
Adust, Bacchus for wine did always pine His table abounded with grapes most fine
The luscious fruit of vitis vinifera vine Grows shyly in shadows line after line
During harvest ripe bunches are picked Pummelled and crushed the nectar is licked
In bulbous vats the fermenting juice stored Wine! The intoxicating liquor globally adored
Bottled and labelled in regimental fashion The beverage of gods is hard to ration
For an exhilarating drink of ruby red To crystal goblets in cellars we are led
Skilfully, the smooth wine is poured Another win the grape growers have scored!
Sipping, perceiving the nuances and flavour Awakening an exciting taste forever to savour.
By Amita Chatterji ©
Quote from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam whose favourite drink was wine...
"Here with a Loaf of Bread Beneath the Bough, A Flask of Wine, a Book of Verse - and Thou Beside me singing in the Wilderness- And Wilderness is Paradise enow."
Chocoholic Frolic
A cube of dark chocolate Breaks, melting the snow-capped Regions of her mind - Seven sensational pieces frolic On her tongue and each Cavity they seem to find.
Dissolving into every crevice The smooth chocolate thrills The selective taste bud - But this triggers tremors On her naked cellulite, making Her frolic in a bath of mud!
By Amita Chatterji ©
You're An Inside Out Person
I'm an inside out person - I came cocooned from inside out, From my mother's warm womb I arrived with a little shout.
A matrix created by an angel Like the interior of a church - Peaceful and protected in holy Waters we float and lurch.
My darling progenies, they're Inside out people too, Only when they were delivered They weren't wearing a shoe!
By Amita Chatterji © Published by Anchor Books
Precious Earth I Think I Love I Hope
Often I think of our precious Earth Often I think of its baffling birth How and when did it all begin? Then I think of Earth's precious gifts Then I think of its movements and drifts, Wondering about ancestors and ancient kin.
I love Earth and some of its precious people I love its mysteries and its tallest steeple, Even a fertile oasis presents a surprise. I hope forests remain forever precious green I hope flowering meadows will always be seen Many marvels proffered as nature's prize.
I love fresh air, the precious ozone layer, I love the sun but shy from its glare! Though rain freshens, feeds our many needs. I hope pollution won't damage the precious fauna I hope the world won't turn into a sweltering sauna! World leaders must encourage good green deeds.
Often I think of our very precious time Often I think to waste it is a crime, Will pestiferous pollution accelerate world's end? Then I think of the powerful precious mind Then I think of thoughts that are kind, To my friends green messages I do send.
Precious Earth 2
Do you really like the colour green Do you truly like the grass and trees, Do you really like the colour blue Do you truly like the sky and seas?
Then why are you destroying our forests? And why are you destroying our trees? I implore you to stop and sincerely plead - Please don't destroy forests and pollute seas.
Two thousand years from now the world will Still be round, But if deforestation continues, there'll be Few trees on the ground. So I implore you to stop and sincerely plead - Please don't destroy forests and pollute seas.
By Amita Chatterji © from her Natural History Collection
Ganga at dawn is where the profound purification of soma and soul occurs as mortals wallow in the sacred waters performing their daily ablutions.
Dipping deep, in and out of nature's own cathartic solution - they gurgle mantras into the Ganges blowing a billion OM SHANTI bubbles.
Saturated saris and dhotis cling to pilgrims like second skin and the air is impregnated with echoes of Gunga Din! Gunga Din!
India Outdoors A hall of winds where busy breezes blow and fierce floods flow with deluged states and swarming cities, embellished with a myriad of minarets and towering temples and flickering diwas at the festival of Diwali. While clouds of colour burst around the festival of Holi and a resplendent symphony of saris billow balmy sails in the air. Eating outdoors, sleeping outdoors, picnics and sport. And yes, polo not the peppermint nor the car but the game of kings, like chess, the other ancient war game - the king of games.
India Indoors Cool, marble floors. Creamy beiges and lavender blue. Homemade lemonade sipped in the shade. And tea! Endless trays of Darjeeling Tea And a round of bridge, paan and roti. And khol melting around glistening eyes. And of course, cucumber cures - Thin cucumber sandwiches cut into moist triangles; Shredded cucumber in pools of cool raitha; Cucumber medallions to soothe tired eyes.
But Rani Victoria, Shahinshah, padshah, you never knew a real Indian summer - never saw an exhausted punkah-wallah languishing on the floor doped with bhung or pukka sahibs in solar topees in the midday sun. You never felt the pulse of sultry summer days In Simla or Poona.
You never tasted a fusion of fiery flavours of Indian cuisine or, the delectable flesh of a sweet ripe mango tinted like an Indian sunrise.
And, you never tasted the saline, trickling perspiration of one's own glowing skin in the subcontinent. Never saw the millions of coolies sweat blood building your blue-blooded Empire.
You never saw erotic sculptures of forgotten deities in temple ruins or the exquisite mausoleum, marbling the lives of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jehan. Never saw India of the Princes, the intriguing forts and palaces.
You never sniffed or smelt India! Its pasina, barsaat, stench of slums, aromas of a spice bazaar or scent of a lotus, that exotic flower.
You never listened to its babel of tongues and tales of the Yeti roaming the snow-clad Himalayas.
But you, good Rani, Empress of India and half the planet did learn to love to enjoy aspects of India, surrounded yourself by Indian Princes and courtiers, built yourself a durbar and peopled it with Abdul Karim and other servants who brought you warmth, majesty and magnificence of an everlasting Indian summer.
By Amita Chatterji © published by the ASIAN TIMES
Did you know our dreams are shredded daily then binned and recycled by a colossal, universal brain - and we awake stultified left feeling absurd just as we were enjoying a moment wallowing in the cosy comfort of our velveteen dreams wishing we were still there in that irrational but magical realm of fantasy.
I'd looked in Raphael's Book of Dreams, delved in his "casting lots" to search for one of my dreams or great expectations but Instead, found most of what one dreams is usually to the contrary.
In dreams do avoid being naked at all cost lest you suffer misfortune especially farmers should ensure they're well robed or their crops will fail and sea-farers too are in for very stormy weather.
So, are we to believe that the cause of recent global storms are due to the increase of nudity in people's dreams charged with a collective sexual energy... or, due to the unpredictable behaviour of jet streams.
No entry found under food or sex only sea and serpent but I did find an abundance of succulent fruits.
Now, meeting a "mad dog" in your dream is very favourable as is dreaming of frogs, fright and marigolds. But surprisingly a woman's garter, marriage and fleas don't feature too well - imagine half the world dreaming of a flea-free paradise but love fares better bringing good fortune.
All this leaves me turning to my angel on dream duty to ensure I don't over indulge and suffer any nightmares but continue to have weird and wonderful dreams.
By Amita Chatterji © inspired by dream theme - W.B. Yeats 'Only My Dreams' and read at Anne-Marie Fyfe & Cahal Dallat's historic Bedford Park Festival event featuring Edna O'Brien and guest Poets on 11th June.
Mesmerising...Simply Mesmerising... Heaven's Confection!
Rising like peaks of fluffy white meringues Are the spiritual spires and domes of the London Mandir With emerald lawns sculpted in geometrical patterns.
Gleaming marble steps lead to the curled Undulating arches shaped like a dancing Goddess's beautiful wavy tresses Under which one passes into the Inner sanctum of this exquisite Temple...
A peaceful place for puja or meditation Where the soul soars in admiration of Man's creative ability and dedication. Shrines with magnificent murtis, statues of deities And revered swamis are daily draped In gorgeous attire before whom offerings Of sweets and fruits are placed.
In the quiet calm atmosphere of this divine Fine fane, one can sit void of thought and Experience a sensuous glow, conscious only of Joy and being at peace with oneself and nature. Serenely seated on marble floors one stares Entranced by the fabulous figures adorning The Temple pillars -
Carved into permanent pose in pure white marble Are allegorical figures and scenes depicting episodes from The lives and times of principle players of The Hindu pantheon.
The mind dwells on these heavenly carvings and Their creators...the purity of style and harmony Extends itself to infinity and plus ultra.
One gazes at the wonderful ceiling and Wonders about the designs of celestial ceilings of all Pantheons, cathedrals, mosques, mandirs and their Aesthetic art form that can delight, excite The senses and raise the psyche.
Could the equation be Astronomy + artistry + geometry + symmetry + spirituality = Divinity
Here, we're reminded that man is capable of creating Such splendour and, via man's discipline, devotion and Exquisite work, we can appreciate the life force Within us and all around us.
By Amita Chatterji © Memento of a beautiful experience
Gazed at a sizzling arrangement of Bright red blooms like a Crackling fire emitting white heat, Though somewhat cold on my seat I instantly warmed to the enchanting Velvety vermilion ‘red lions' Jaws opened to reveal stamens Bearing anthers bursting with Powdery pollen.
Rare red lilies luxuriously blossomed In the vase while luteous gladioli Rose loftily above the rest - Only to fade first.
Infrared gerbas blushed and bled Among the green foliage Heading in all directions.
But, the piece de resistance Was a red hot, temperature-raising, Raging red, as in - Yeoman's red, Chelsea pensioner red, Redcoats chasing red fox red, Changing-of-the-Guard red, Phone box, pillar box and London bus red or, edam cheese red...
All these reds were in the Scarlet ‘tail flower' the one with a Heart-shaped waxy leaf and an erect Dionysian spadice prot...ruding from its Centre, thrusting the air like some Shiva's lingam, perhaps searching For some yonder yoni!
By Amita Chatterji © Inspired by flowers in a vase at Hudson Sandler reception where I worked in the City
Sports Day - 1989
A sunny sizzling afternoon Was the twentieth of June - Girls from Queen's Gate Junior School Did their best to remain cool And on their annual Sports Day Over the tannoy Gerald would bay "Next event, twenty metres Sprint..." Phew! We all glowed, there wasn't a hint Of breeze at the Duke of York's Barracks Where children continued to caper in sacks Winning, losing, in the races Some, ending up on their faces!
High jump, Bean Bag, Potato and Spoon Girls competed, panted, played the goon! Marathon proved too much for some Who were left breathless, a little glum; Siblings raced against each other Spurred on by eager father, mother. Nearby, statuesque in sunshine yellow A princess cheered her racing fellow - "Very keen race!" she yelled in the noise Smiling, carrying a parasol with poise. Mothers' race followed - women stumbled Winded at the finish, they fumbled With their attire then a final mad dash - All raced to the Tea tables for a splendid bash!
By Amita Chatterji © Queen's Gate was my daughter Gina's former school where I served as a P.T.A. Class Representative for 6 yrs
Waxing Lyrical
Let's visit the exhibition That enchanting waxwork house To see the illustrious, notorious And the little old grey mouse. Let's see the ‘Spirit of London' Quel ravissant et bon esprit, Revolving around many centuries In a trendy London taxi.
First stage ‘Walk this way' a rather Endearing sculpture was Introduced to us by Stuart In the studio on the 5th floor Of MadameTussaud's. That is Where it all evolves from Modelling clay. The consummate Technician moulds and twists, Thumbs and lifts, pinches the Inches till a figure magically Emerges; features appear, the Human form is clear, ears are Sculpted and can almost hear!
Second stage Clay models are entombed in White plaster cast and left to Dry which they do quite fast. The original model is tossed in A bin to be recycled, sausaged Or turned into a fin! The plaster Cast is filled with wax which Takes the form of the original Clay, from then on there's no Delay and the sculptor proceeds To work and play. Inserting eyes And painting them too, weaving in Hair and giving the visitor a very Good clue as to who the model is.
Third stage Attired in plain or designer dress The wax celebrity is ready to be Taken down to join the honoured And the famous, to strike a Comical or gracious pose for an Ever loyal attentive Press to Exhaust their flash-guns, click Away and peer up a well-waxed nose!
By Amita Chatterji © Published in M Tussaud Newsletter, invited to studio by Senior Sculptor Stuart Williams
An Adult Fairytale... In the land of Literary Giants and Phantasmagoria
The outrageous green giant wearing his Frilly tutu in tutti - frutti shades Swaggered into the virtual green world to show - off His latest blogs to the dreaded green dragon Relaxing on a bed of shaggy green shamrock Sporting only a XXL size jock - strap Feasting on mushy peas, green potatoes, Chunks of meat with fast- growing mould and Blasting flames from his fiery fowl dragon breath.
And you ask, where is all this going Well, it's going across the Irish Sea on A green boat under green sky to count quarks, To meet green warriors and ‘Paddy Power' at The Green Man Pub on the edge of a green Forest where Robin Hood once might have been
And you ask, where is all this going Well, going to enjoy an Irish coffee ‘black n white' Then crème de menthe and a drink or 2 ‘cause, We may not be Irish but, want to Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with you!
By Amita Chatterji © Especially written for & read at Anne-Marie Fyfe's Coffee-House Poetry St Patrick's Day Event, Troubadour
Fresh as the breeze on one's cheek at dawn Fresh as the breath of a babe just born Fresh as the milk from a mother's breast Fresh as an ocean wave and a curling crest
Fresh as opal dew in Lodi Gardens and Kew Fresh as the apple enjoyed by Eve in Eden Fresh as ‘the kiss' immortalised in Rodin's sculpture Fresh as virgin snow on Everest's lofty peaks Fresh as Gandhi's gentle image & flow of the Ganges Fresh as the cosmic beat of Shiva's divine dance Fresh as Vedic hymns and mystic incantations Fresh as my childhood vision of - the Boy Buddha Fresh as the sacred scriptures of all noble faiths Fresh as the love and warmth of family and friends Fresh and exciting as our universe's creation Fresh as that well of wisdom and inspiration
Fresh as Spring's fragrances in March and May Fresh as the smile of a delicate Shinto goddess Fresh as fresh-water springs yielding pearls in oysters Fresh as King Tut's magnificent golden mask Fresh as the brilliant colour of Botticelli's Primavera Fresh as Rumi's ‘Zero Circle' and exuberance for life Fresh as New Place and Tagore featuring in a Shakespearean dream Fresh as discovering new species in a cyber pass Fresh as the sweet smell of soil soaked by rain Fresh as the climax of a gripping yarn Fresh as Faberge eggs in a farm's barn
Fresh as the silvery arc of a misty new moon Fresh as the thought of Moni's melt-in-the mouth Shaami kebab and, Bully's delicious chicken kebab Fresh as the kushboo of saffron in biryani & pilau Fresh as the galawati kebab yet to be eaten! Fresh as the trail of baking bread and cakes Fresh as a freshly brewed pot of Darjeeling tea Fresh as the aroma of percolating coffee Fresh as the gods of commerce and consumerism Fresh as the new avatars of policy and politics Fresh as a budding lotus in a busy city Fresh as the race to monopolise outer space
Fresh as every thought throughout the day Fresh as the poem written on this page Fresh as the memory of any poem and sage A poem remains forever fresh Like the sun, it breathes and doesn't age...
By Amita Chatterji © Published by CONFLUENCE
EXODUS of pukka sahibs, British civilians, soldiers and top brass was swift - they all bid Pip! Pip! to the land where some had roots, residences and called their home and who were now entrenched in the subcontinent's history.
Some of the elderly migrants whose children were born there saw new generations blossom and fondly recalled the sunny, halcyon, good old days, having enjoyed a unique lifestyle during the Raj.
Tearful goodbyes as they boarded ship to depart with mixed emotions and recollections of bloody battles in the searing heat and the PAIN, PASSION, LOVE AND LAUGHTER - now they sailed away back to Britain taking with them cherished memories of India.
By Amita Chatterji © published by the Asian Times
Gargantuan cardboard figures of famous Bollywood heroes greeted us at the Festival Of India and Mughal monuments Encircled the vast arena.
People wandered everywhere And enjoyed the lively funfair. A ferris wheel rotated against the sky, A bungee-jumper was poised up high. We ambled along many food stalls Proffering delectable meals n ludoo balls. Marquees representing several firms All promised very favourable terms. Dazzling dresses and the latest fashion Fabulous fabrics to encourage passion! Artisans created puppets and dolls Musicians entertained during the Bank hols.
A big attraction adjacent to the Tagore tent, Merry-makers sampled ambrosial "Matka-Matki Kulfi" and other mouth- Watering flavours taking us to Everest heights And palatable pleasures - one of the Most muzedar ice creams ever eaten.
But where were the elephants and snake Charmers - the only charmers we saw were Guys and dolls in delirious dance frenziedly Snaking their hips and anatomy to the Exciting sounds of the bhangra beat - A real Treat to watch in the fading light of the Festival Where Gandhi's silver bust surveyed the scene Amidst us; the soul of the great Sage Reaching out to all in a call for peace.
By Amita Chatterji © the Festival of India celebrated India's Independence
T.N.C. The Notting Hill Carnival
We sauntered along towards Notting Hill in the direction of the whistle blowers and followed the exuberant, excited crowds to the throbbing pulse of the carnival monitored by Boys in Blue.
Rhythm boomed out from various mind-blowing sound systems and the pounding of heavy bases made inner organs almost leap out - creating quite a sensation.
Streets were flooded with revellers converging towards the main stages while others happily bopped on balconies, dangled from scaffolding and grooved, moved on rooftops.
Carousing pleasure seekers weaved en masse through littered streets to see the chaotically coloured costumes of exotic dancers and the fleet of merry floats. Pausing to sample jerk chicken, salt fish and ackee, joloffe and beef pattie - washed down with a refreshing rum punch, cool beer or tequila slammer.
I reckon the endless energy dispersed by all the revellers could probably have launched a spaceship!
When listening to the various sound systems, the words of Delroy a talented poet came to mind, "give me a dance, give me a dance!" and we did dance a little.
By Amita Chatterji © published by the Asian Times
Bullies are those born with cells that are small... They bully to have one at their beck and call They bully because they want to be tall They bully because they're short of a ball They bully because they want to impress all...
They bully because they're hungry for power They can bully others hour after hour They like to taunt and see people cower They could be insecure or simply dour They want to show how important they are
Bullies are people who are usually sour A bully, he or she, should be sent to the Tower!
By Amita Chatterji © published in X Magazine
5 vowels had escaped from my sound mechanism when I was asleep - the frisky AEIOU - all I could say was Heh Instead of Oh! And Heh instead of Ah! I couldn't even say Ba! Ba! Like Some sheep risen from its sleep.
The vowels felt free and Frolicked in the dark, They made vowel sounds Like birds in a park.
I held out my hand To recapture the five But they simply tried To dodge and dive;
All at once they lit up Like a bright neon light, I couldn't utter a word And got quite a fright.
What should I have done When my vowels vanished, Told my consonants that Now they were banished!
After their little adventure The five vowels did return Allowing me to continue To Ba! Ba! And learn.
Amita Chatterji © Published by the Asian Age
Bolly would be an endless carousel ride Bolly would dramatise, portray with pride and sensitivity its epics and the kaleidoscopic visual culture of Indian cinema.
Bolly would give us Mother India, Bombay Bolly would depict a cruel villain in Sholay or perhaps a tramp in Awara - with lashings of beauty, brutality and man's fragility.
Bolly would give us a constellation of stars Bolly would seek artists in chic Bollywood bars a tide of talent: scriptwriters, composers, musicians, directors, producers and technicians.
Bolly would imitate life and strip to the bone Bolly would like Hollywood set the scene and tone create heroes and heroines, stunning costumes and sets, constantly projecting its craft.
Bolly would perhaps be the ultimate deduction Bolly would be the inexhaustible production of classics, legends reaching audiences worldwide with a century's celebration of its art.
Bolly would chart India's rich, historical past Bolly would successfully be able to cast a spell and entertain us with drama, song, dance and the stuff of our colourful dreams.
Amita Chatterji © Published by CONFLUENCE Ode to Bollywood
I wandered into the N.H.M one Sunday afternoon, Refreshed childhood memories gazing at Proconsul and baboons.
I imagined all these animals though still and silent by day, Animated at night and noisily crowding each other's way.
Bellowing elephants, roaring lions, horses ‘n' sounds of hooves, Pegasus flying up the stairs searching for a creature that moves.
Listened to the Cyclops and eerie Primal screams, As Medusa petrified people in my daring dreams.
Titans roaming the planet feeding on the big, big, tree, Earth! The most magnificent masterpiece for all to see.
I gallantly walked the plank with dinosaurs on either side, Diplodocus charged and lesser dinosaurs had no place to hide.
Inside the mighty blue whale, streamlined like a ship, Were big fat fish, small fry and the ubiquitous chip.
Oceans of marine life tantalising as a siren's gills, A fossil-jostle, bright butterflies and big birds' bills.
Gaia's many mysteries explained, from Triassic to extinction, And today most species displayed, stage-managed with distinction.
The edifying path to discovery of this wondrous world of ours, Is researched by ants and scientists the Museum's super stars.
Amita Chatterji © Published by the Asian Times
English is a language So widely spoken, England's links around the world Can scarcely be broken But if the Queen's English By more people was spoken And grammatical rules not So frequently broken, How mellifluous spoken English would be.
The rich language gradually evolved Since its ‘golden age' Should be enjoyed by the pupil If taught by a sage So teacher take heed, instruct Well for your fee.
Now don't drop your h But do cross your t Dot your little i And bow to the bee! A difference it will make You will soon see.
Improve your diction Restore that vowel, Don't be hasty to Throw in the towel,
Strive a little further Obtain extra tuition, Elocution will bring you Nearer to fruition.
Take the trouble to Change your usual stance, Make an effort, don't Leave things to chance.
Don't give the language An ugly slant, Don't be lazy And say ‘I CAN'T!'
By Amita Chatterji © Poem retitled, used my official name Mrs A Chrysanthou when above poem was sent to Prince Charles re his 'off the cuff' remarks about the English language - response below:

Usmaan aur Zameen (heaven and earth) and Family in Between
Spawning in every man woman and child is the prime viscera factor - Emanating from every pore, man's primeval animal instinct - truncated at birth along with the umbilical cord as, restraint, religion, order, knowledge and development is instilled in the name of civilisation.
Man has evolved, kissed the stars and on the way to Mars but families...well, let's be realistic we're all the same everywhere.
Ongoing sagas, thrilling dramas, quarrels, scandals, morals, vandals. The wild child - Kipling's black sheep all in it and ever so deep. Tantalising secrets, seduction and mysteries, swirl around in most family histories.
There's satire and ridicule like Moliere's comedies. There's always the hypochondriac looking for remedies. There's obsession, jealousy, egoism, bigotry- There are Dante's raging demons like in his hell and purgatory. There's usmaan aur zameen and family in between.
Sometimes one's erratic behaviour defies rationale, but I can tell you something.. our family is far from banal.
By Amita Chatterji ©
A Love of London
Bright lights blinked below Where the indigo nightscape Lay star-spangled Littered with cat's eyes A chaotic network of Glorious golden glitter, I recall sitting in awe as our Elephantine eagle, a PanAm plane Touched down on my childhood Fairyland and I was instantly Entranced by a spell, had fallen in love and had lost My heart to London!
Childhood, Robin Hood, good Hood To adulthood.
It seems as if I've clawed earth's Crust, bored through her evergreen Rocky mantle and swum in Tellus's Liquid soul where love, laughter, Despair, swim in an eternal wheel And I've surfaced still loving you. It seems as if it were only yesterday I first gazed upon London, stepped On English soil, flew ‘so many miles' Leaving my birthplace - India, home Of the great Ganges delta. Yet my affection for you remains As solid as earth's iron core. London, je t'adore!
Amita Chatterji © - Published by the Asian Times
Below: The Poetry Society's The Art of Speaking Verse Senior Certificate of Merit and Senior Bronze Medal for Excellence Awarded to Amita showing her early links with the Poetry Society
